Cricket 1882

RACKETS, CRICKET, LAWN TENNIS & FOOTBALL. “ J E F F E R T E S ’ " C E L E B R A T E D “ S P E C I A L I T I E S . ” R e g i s t e r e t l T r a d e BACKETS—Patent CANE-HANDLED BACKETS. LAWN TENNIS SETS made up in accordance witli the new M.C.C. and A.E.C. and L.T.C. Rules. LAWN TENNIS BATS, superior, made in all weights and shapes. LAWN TENNIS BALLS, regulation, size andweight, as played with at the Championship Matches at Wimbledon, 1880, can be obtained only of us. The covers of these balls are cemented as well as sewn. LAWN TENNIS SHOES—The “ UNIVERSITY ” and the “ WINDSOR.” Registered. LAWN TENNIS SCORING DIALS, just introduced, for Club use, and Private Grounds. CRICKET BATS,GAUNTLETS, BATTING GLOVES, CATGUT- SEWN BALLS, &c. ’ M a r k - 1- J E F F E R I E S . ” RACKET, FIVES, CRICKET, RUNNING, and GYMNASIUM SHOES. “ LAWN TENNIS & BADMINTON,” by Julian Marshall, Author of “ Annals of Tennis” 6th thsnd.,1882, Is.; cheaper edition, 6d. FOOTBALLS (Round or Rugby), complete, made of the best Cow­ hide, with vulcanized India-rubber Bladders. FOOTBALL JERSEYS (made in any colourto order), BRASS AIR PUMPS for inflating, SHIN GUARDS, GOAL POSTS, &c. RULES. wo o-iiwic-ar^ ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE ON APPLICATION . THE ONLY ADDRESS IS— JEFFERSES & CO,, 1, LOWER WOOD STREET, WOOLWICH. C R I C K E T P R E S S , 17, P A T E R N O S T E R S Q U A R E , LONDON, E.C. i l S B i l j n , 1 8 8 S . ft. PlAF(Y FOR THE £ e A;30JL Containing— A L L P R I N C I P A L MAT CHE S , W ith Room for Insertion o f Own E n gage­ ments, Batting and B ow ling Records, Memoranda, &c. NOW READY, PRICE SIXPENCE. Published by “ Cricket Press,” Sporting Pub- lishers, Booksellers, anti Advertisement Agents, free *ern0S*'er ^^uare’ London, E.C., CJd., post JAMES LILLYWHITE’S ANNUAL for 1882, Price One Shilling. JOHN LILLYWHITE’S COMPANION for 1882, Price One Shilling. AM ALMANACK 1882, Price One Shilling MARYLEBONE SCORES & BIOGRAPHIES! vols. 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, and 1 1 -1 0 /- vol. n v c *.°*3- \2 aml 13 extending up to 1876—15s.vol. OXFORD & CAMBRIDGE SCORES. Full scores of Inter-University Matches from 1826 to 1876. Price One and Sixpence. AUSTRALIANS v. SURREY\ ^ T J I E > F I R g ¥ : J ijO T C J tM - OF THE g m m a i i t B i n i ! ! ® m K ENN IN G T ON OVAL , May 25, 26, and 27. Admission to Ground, One Shilling each day. Applications for Reserved Seats (Covered Stand, 5/- Uncovered 2/6 each day; or 10/- and 5/- for the Match), must be made at once to the Secretary, Surrey County Criolteb Club, Kennington Oval, London, S.E, ESTABLISHED 1855, AT 2, NEW COVENTRY STREET. V) Cricketing, Football, and Lawn Tennis OUTFITTERS, Patronised by Her Majesty the Queen; the Royal Fam ily; distinguished personages o f the highest rank; the principal Cricket, Football and Lawn Tennis Clubs ■ Universities- Great Public, Military <t Naval Schools and Colleges in the United Kingdom ; British subjects o f every Foreign station an i settlemm t; also by thi Army and Navy at Home and Abroad MANUFACTURERS AND EXPORTERS OF Cricket Bats, Balls, Stumps, Leg Guards, Batting Gloves Wicket-keeping Gauntlets ; Single and Winged Net with Poles complete ; Patent Catapulta most effective Bowling In vention ; Improved Portable Telegraph; Markin-* Croase • Club Outfits ; Cricket Bags ; Clothing ; Boots and Slioes; Marquees; T ents; C lub'B oxes; Chains Tape Measures ; Rollers ; Horse B oots; HU6BV AUB ASSOCi AT JOfi FOOT S A I L S Jerseys; Caps and Hose ; Shin Guards; Air Pumps ; Cases and Bladders ; Goal Posts ; Flags and Staffs ; LAWN TENNIS, “ INVICTA,” “ ROYAL,” “ CLUB,” AND OTHER SETS ; Regulation Nets and Poles; Covered B alls; Plain BaRs in Grey and Coloured Enamel • Racquets iu evory stylo of Stringing, Cedar and Fancy Inlaid Handles ; Presses for Racquets’ Markers; Shoes ; &c ; RACQUET, TENN IS, AND F IVE S BATS AND B A L L S ; C roquet; Badminton ; Lawn Bowls ; Golf Clubs, Irons and BaR s; Polo ; H ockey • Fencing Goods and Gymnastic Apparatus; Boxing G loves; Dumb B ells; Skittles a n d ’ cheeses” Quoits and Pins ; Every Article or Information connected with British Sports or Pastimes, Trice Lists forwarded free on application. 21, Cranbourn Street, Leicester Sqre., London, W. Publishers of “ Wisden’s Cricketers’ A lm anack;” [Oxford v. .Cambridge Cricket Scores! New and Improved Scoring Books and Sheets, ard Buies of nearly aR Games.