Cricket 1882

270 CEICKET; A WEEKLY RECORD OF THE GAME. s e p t , i , m 2 . T J I E v g C 0 I ^ E v B O O K . Scores of Matches with a postal orderfor one shilling must be sent in to rcach us by First Delivery on Tuesday morning at the latest , or they will have to wait until the issue of allowing week Ij payment has not been made for the season's scores in advance, each score , to ensure insertion, must be accom panied with a Postal Orderfor One Shilling. ; N O R TH E R N AND E A S T E R N TOU R . INCOGNITI v. LIVERPOOL. I Played at Liverpool on Friday and Saturday, August 11 and 12, and resulted in a draw. I n cogniti . 'A. Hi Browne, c Bushby, b 3. Hornby ..................12 15. W. Lake, b Wver .. .. 28 ■II. ,T. Hill, c Bushby, b J. Homby ..........................7 Capt. Inglis, b 3. Hornby 11 •ft. A. Parke, b Bushby .. 28 :W. A. Evans, b Bushby .. 50 'O. F. Thomson, c Mason, • b J. H o r n b y ..................27 H. Iv. Avory, c Richard­ son, b Patterson .. .. 17 P. Hilton, 1b w, b Patter­ son...................................28 Major Bircham, not out 43 E. P. Cassan, b Brown .. 14 B 10,1-b 3, w 2, n b 1 16 T o ta l..................281 L iverpool . First Innings. W . S. Patterson, b Cassan .. .. 43 11. T. Richardson, c Lake, b Thomson ..................................17 H. Stewart-Brown, b Cassan .. 7 M. W. R. Wyer, c Inglis, b Lake 3 L. H. Hornby, b Cassan .. .. 3 C. E. Mason, b Cassan..................72 E. Kewley, b Cassan ..................7 L. Overton, b C a ssa n ..................0 E. Maudesley, c Hilton, b Parke 5 I. Hornby, c Bircham, b Thomson 22 J. Bushby, not out ..................10 i B 1 ,1-b 2, w 1 ..........................4 SecondInnings, b B r o w n e .............. 118 c Bircham, b Cassan 14 1b w, b Bircham .. 32 runout.......................83 b Cassan ................3 b Cassan .................. b Cassan ...............57 notou t........................5 b H i l l ........................5 c and b Iuglis .. .. 0 b Cassan ................3 B 5 ,1-b 6, w1 .. 12 < Total .193 Total .334 INCOGNITI v. BIRKENHEAD PARK. Played at Birkenhead on Monday and Tuesday, August 14 and 15, and drawn on account of rain. I ncogniti . £l. J. Hill, c Stubbs, b Major Bircham, 1 b w, b Bicknell....................... 10 W. A. Evans, c Bicknell, b W ils o n .......................82 Capt. Inglis, b Sinclaire.. 4 P. Hilton, ‘ c Bicknsll, b Clarke ........................11 E. P. Cassan, not out .. 18 L-b 2, w 9, n b 1 .. 12 Clarke ..........................58 E. A. Parke, c Sinclaire, b Clarke .......................... 0 H. K. Avory, c Sinclaire, b Clarke ..........................43 3. F. Hornby, c Stubbs, b I Clarke ..........................9 G. F. Thomson, c Aspiuall, b Clarke .. .. .. .. 9 H. Browne, st Stubbs, b Bicknell..........................26 Total .232 k. Aspinall, c Avory, b H orn b y ..........................6 1. Stubbs, b Cassan.. .. 22 A B. Hull, b Cassan .. 5 A.. B. Wilson, b Hornby.. 0 T. C . ............ B irkenhead P ark . E. Hodgkinson, c Ing'.is, b H o rn b y ..........................23 G. E. Bkknell, not out .. 5 B ...........................2 T o t a l..................60 Sinclaire, c and b C a s sa n ................................ 0 F. H. Carver, W. L. Higgins, C. N. Clarke, and F. Duerden jlid not bat. 1 INCOGNITI v. GENTLEMEN OF DERBY­ SHIRE. ' Played at Derby on Thursday, August 17, and eft drawn. G en tlem en o f D erb ysh ire. i. B. Barrington, c Inglis, b Cassan............................121 3apt. Johnstone, b Thom­ son .....................................36 5. Wingfield, b Cassan .. 19 N. Clayton, c Browne, b Cassan ..........................0 K Macpherson, b Cassan 0 Total V. F. Curgenven, b Cassan 19 I ncooniti . W. B. Friend, not out .. 41 Capt. Iuglis, b Barrington 38 W 3 ..........................3 J. Smith, lb w , b Cassan 17 E. Delacombe, b Cassan 12 W. S. Eadie, not out .. lo T. Morley, b Cassan .. 6 J. E. Eadie, b Thomson 5 B 6 ,1-b 5, w 1 .. .. 12 I. J. Hill, c W. Eadie, b .Clayton ......................33 J. K. Avory, b J. Eadie.. 46 /r. F. Thomson, st Wing­ field, b Morley 25 A. H. Browne, E. A. Parke, Major Bircham, E. P. Cassan, P. lilton, and A. Walkden did not bat. Total . .186 INCOGNITI v. NORTHAMPTONSHIRE. Played at Northampton on Friday and Saturday, August 18 and 19, and drawn. The collapse of the Incogs iu the second innings was due to a sodden wicket and extremely bad light. I ncogniti . First Innings. H. K. Avory, run o u t ...............27 H. J. Hill, b B o w le y ................1 W. B. Friend, st F. Kingston, b P otter.......................................16 A. H. Browne, b Alley................3 Rev. A. H. Winter, b Potter .. 0 Capt. Inglis, not o u t ..............101 E. A. Parke, c and b J. P. King­ ston ......................................12 Major Bircham, b Alley .. .. 2 P.Hiltcn, c F. Kingston, b Bowley 16 E. P. Cassan, c J. Kingston, b P o tte r......................................11 A. Stockwin, b P otter...............17 B 9 ,1-b 3 .............................. 12 Secand Innings. b Alley..........................7 b B o w le y ..................0 not out..........................7 b Alley..........................0 b B o w le y ..................0 b B o w le y ..................0 b Alley..........................0 b B o w le y ..................0 b Alley..........................0 b B o w le y ..................2 Total. .218 B 3, 1-b 5 Total .. 24 N orthamptonshire . First Innings. F. W. Kingston, c Hill, b Cassan 3 G. J. Gulliver, b Cassan .. .. 3 J. Turner, c Cassan, b Parke .. 0 J. P. Kingston, b Cassan .. .. 18 T. H. G. Welch, b Cassan .. .. 26 Potter, c Hilton, b Catsan .. .. 8 A. Starmer, 1b w, b Parke .. .. 9 Bowley, c Hill, b Parke .. .. 10 T. H. Vials, not out ..................12 W. Gubbius, b Cassan..................1 Alley, b Friend ..........................15 B 5 ,1-b 1 ..................................6 Total. .106 Second Innings, c Bircham, b Friend.. 27 c and b Cassan .. .. 13 1b w, b Cassan .. .. 56 b Parke .. .. .. 20 b B ro w n e ..................14 c sub, b Parke .. .. 31 b Cassan ..................30 not out..........................15 b Friend ..................4 b Cassan ..................2 b Cassan ..................4 B 13, 1-b 5, w 5 .. 23 Total ..! INCOGNITI v. CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY LONG VACATION C.C. Played at Cambridge on Monday and Tuesday, August 21 and 22, and drawn owing to long scoring on both sides. I n co gn iti . First Innings. H. K. Avory, c Davidson, b All­ cock ......................................54 E. A. Parke, b Lyttelton .. .. 32 H. J. Hill, c Lyttelton, b All­ cock ......................................25 W. B. Friend, b Lyttelton .. .. 0 Captain Inglis, 1b w, b Wood .. 71 A. H. Browne, c Vincent, b W o o d .......................................2 Major Bircham, c Mitchell, b All­ cock .......................................0 Major Meares, b Wood............... 0 Rev. A. H. Winter, b Lyttelton.. 17 E. P. Cassan, not o u t. ✓ .. .. 10 P. Hilton, c Mitchell, b All­ cock .......................................1 B 15,1-b 1, w 3 ...............19 Sccond Innings. c Lyttelton, b W ood.. 35 b Wood..........................27 c Leaf, b Lyttelton .. 39 b M itchell..................1 st Taplin, b Wood .. 25 not out..........................35 c Allcock, b Wood not out.................. B 4 ,1-b 5 Total. .231 Total .. ..205 lion. E.Lyttelton,c Hilton, b Cassan.................. .. y H. Wood, b Parke .. .. 4 II. Leaf, b Cassan .. .. 33 W. H. Bather, b Cassan .. 4 C. H. Allcock, b Cassan .. 39 W. G. Mitchell, b Cassan.. 16 C.U.L.V.C.C. r. Lees, not out. 40 H. O. Davidson, b Cassan 75 T. K. Taplin, b Browne .. 7 J. Vincent, c Avory, b B row ne..........................8 E. G. Mitchell, b Cassan. 11 B 7 ,1-b 12, w 2 .. .. 21 T o t a l..................257 INCOGNITI v. SUFFOLK. Played at Bury St. Edmunds on Wednesday and Thursday, August 23 and 24, and resulted in a draw. I ncooniti . First Innings. H. K. Avory, c and b Blake .. .. 8 E. A. Parke, b C lo d d ................. 7 H. J. Hill, c Kemp, b Clodd ..4 1 Capt. Inglis, b Cobbold .. .. 125 A. H. Browne, c and b Blake .. 32 W. B. Friend, not out............... 85 E. P. Cassau, run o u t .................2 Rev. A. H. Winter, b Blake .. 0 Major Bircham, c Montgomery, b Cobbold......................................... 0 Major Meares, c Rushbrookc, b B la k e ......................................... 12 P. Hilton, b Rushbrooke .. ..1 1 B 10,1-b 11, w 2, n b 1.. ..2 4 Second Innings, c Salmon, b Clodd .. 3 c sub, b Blake .. .. 5 b Blake........................18 b Blake........................21 c sub, b Blake .. .. 7 c aud b Blake .. .. 1 n otou t..........................2 c Clodd, b Blake.. .. 12 c Salmon, b Rush­ brooke .................6 b Clodd........................ 3 b Clodd.........................2 B 2 ,1-b 3,w 1 .. . . 6 Total..................................297 Total .. S uffolk . Kemp, run o u t ..................8 J. Francis, c Avory, b Inglis ..........................71 •T. D. Cobbold, c Hill, b C a ssa n ..........................13 H. J. Salmon, c Hilton, b C a s sa n ..........................11 W. Rushbrooke, c Winter, b Cassau..........................91 W. Dewing, c Hilton, b C a e sa n ..........................1 C. Marriott, b Cassan .. 0 C. W. Montgomery, b M e a r e s .................* .. 3 E. E. Clodd, c Friend, b C a s sa n ..........................13 Dr. Masters, not out .. 3 A. Blake, c Inglis, b C a s s a n ..........................3 B 2 ,1-b 6, w 1 .. .. 9 Total In the second innings Kemp scored (b Friend) 3, H. J. Salmon (not out) 0, C. W. Montgomery (not out) 8, Dr. Masters (b Friend) 0; b 5; total, 16. THE TRAVELLERS v. LYTHAM. Played at Lytham on Saturday, August 26. T he T ravellers . F. R. Anderton, 1b w, b Brindley..........................25 .7. B. Hatt, b Mellor .. 0 A. J. Richards, c sub, b Mellor ..........................11 D. II. Greenwood, c Brind­ ley, b Fair ..............1 H. A. Sparrow, c Wad- ham, b Harrison .. .. 7 G. Hunt, b Mellor .. .. 21 T. Hardman, c Catterrall, b Brindley ..................o F. Woodward, b R ea.. .. 7 W. J. Sparrow, not out .. 3 W. Staley, b Mellor .. .. 0 B 11,1-b 4, 4, n b 1.. 20 T o t a l ..................o L ytham . Capt. McKenzie, b Staley 2 Major Brindley, b Staley 4 T. Fair, b H att..................0 W. Harrison, 1 b w, b Staley ..........................5 H. Mellor, b Hatt .. .. 0 M. Rea, b Staley..................3 J. Catterrall, b H att.. .. 0 W. Cunliffe, b Hatt .. A. Wadham, b Staley .. S. Fildes, rot out J. Sidebotham, c W. J. Sparrow, b Staley.. . B 3.................. . Total WHITGIFT SCHOOL v. BEDDINGTON. Played at North End, Croydon, on July 26, when Beddington won by 88 runs on the first innings. W h itg ift S ch ool . C. Moss, b E. Henderson 15 ! T. Bentham, c Hunter, b H. L. Turner, b E. Hen- ! T. Henderson.. .. 9 d e r s o n .................. 0 W. H. Kelsey, b E. Hen- Eev. H. W. Turner, b E. j derson ............... 4 Henderson .................. 0 , E. Biscoe, b E." Hende'r- Rev. G. H. Huddleston, st | s o n ...................................o Aris, b T. Henderson .. 21 ' A. R. Moody, not'out* 0 O. Marks, b R. Henderson 1 | B 4 ,1-b 1 r H. N. Moody, b R. Hen- I .................._ derson .......................... 2 T o t a l......................65 A. Lashmar, c Dutton, b R. Henderson..................8 ! B ed din gto n . E. R. Wilkinson, b M oss.. 3 G. D. Hunter, b Moss .. 5 R. Henderson, c A. Moody, b H. W. Turner .. .. 14 C. F. Evans, c and b Moss 12 J. Aris, 1 b w, b H. W. T u r n e r ..........................30 T. Henderson, not out .. 39 A. F. Stevens, c Moss, b H. L. Turner..................5 C. Groom, c Kelsey, b H. W. Turner ..................22 F. Dutton, c H. Moody, b Moss..................................o T. Roberts, c Marks, b Moss..................................ig C Goddard, b Moss .. .. 0 B 3 ,1-b 2 ..................5 Total .153 ARTISTS R.V. v. 3 rd AND 4 r a MIDDLE­ SEX R.V. Played at Aldershot on August 17 and 18. Private Marillier, not out 60 j Laucc-Corporal Hall, c and b Leaman..........................1 Private Howard, runout.. 2 j Private Corbyn, b Dunning 15 i Private Holl, b Dunning.. 13 Private Carruthers, b Dun- | n in g ..................................2 I Private Relton, c Bunker, b Dunning ..................6 1 3RD and 4th Drummer Ford, c sub, b C o r b y n ..........................11 Private Phipps, bCorbyn . 0 Private Silcox, b Maril­ lier .................................. 1 Sergeant Warren, b Ma­ rillier ..........................0 Private Molland, c and b Marillier..........................1 Private Bun ker, c Corbyn, b Marillier .. , . 4 Lancc-Corporal Philip, c Poynton, b Dunning Private D’Avis, b Dunning Private Morton, b Dunning Private Collins, b Dunning Extras .. Total 7 0 6 9 .7 10 M iddlesex . Sergeant Clarke, run o u t.. 10 Private Shelton, c Morton, b Corbyn..................‘ ..1 7 Private Dunning, not out 5 Private Poynton,c Corbyn, b Marillier ...............0 Substitute, b Corbyn .. 0 E xtras.......................5 T o t a l ..................5