Cricket 1882

268 CRICKET; A WEEKLY RECORD OF THE GAME. august si , laea. HAMPSHIRE v. SUSSEX. Sussex had an easy victory at Portsmouth on uesday last, in this return match. Mr. Longman ayed good cricket for Hampshire, but none of ie other batsmen could do much against the jwling of Seneschal and Humphreys. Sussex won v an innings and 21 runs. Score and analyses :— S u sse x . 'r. R. T. Ellis, 0 Under- Down, b Armstrong .. 4 \ H. Whitfeld, c Hill, ,u Y ou n g..........................58 A. H. Trevor, 0 Sey. nour, b Armstrong .. 13 •JiPbillips, 0 Leat, b !Tuck .. .. .. .. 81 . Hunmhreys, b Young.. 4 tv. F. F. J. Greenfield, c *iToung, b Bencraft.. .. 11 Mr. E. J. M’Cormick, b Longman..........................17 Mr. 0. A.Smitb, c Seymour, b Bencraft ..................51 Tester, b Young..................8 Hide, b Y o u n g ..................2 Seneschal, not out .. .. 3 U 19, 1-b 4, w 2 .. .. 25 Total .227 | J L OJUHVS. irst Innings, ck, c Greenfield, b Hide.. H a m psh ir e . Seoond Innings. 6 run out..........................5 c Humphreys, b Tester ..................19 st Phillips, b Hum- . C. R. Seymour, c Greenfield, » H ide..........................................18 . A. A. Andrews, b Seneschal 0 I feat p h r e y s "................... 15 ,it, b Seneschal..........................0 b Humphreys .. .. 0 . E. Hall, b Seneschal .. .. 8 c Trevor, b Tester .. 10 |. G. H. Longman, 1 b w, b I lumphreys.......................... .. 8 b Humphreys .. ..4 4 . G. Underdown, b Seneschal 11 c Tester, b Seneschal •. A. H. Wood, b Seneschal . R. Bencraft, b Seneschal 1 c Smith, b Tester I •. H. Armstrong, not out. B 8, 1-b 1..................................4 23 b Humphreys .. ..5 2 bSeneschal...................4 Phillips, b Hum­ phreys ..................0 0 not out.........................9 B 8, 1-b 2 .. .. 5 6 I Total..................................81 Total .. ..125 ANALYSES OF BOWLING. T u n brid ge W e ll s . u n g.. .. ustroug.. 1derdown >od.. ,, S u ssex . First Innings. O. M. R.W. 49 28 76 4 Tuck .. 89 22 41 2 Bencraft 8 1 8 0 Longman 4 0 10 0 Leat .. , 0. M. R.W 10 2 28 I 10 5 15 2 9 1 21 1 6 8 8 0 Young and Longman caoh bowled one wide. H am psh ir e . 1 First Innings. O. M. R.W. . jeschol .. .. 17 8 28 6 .. H e ....................23 11 81 2 .. .. Vmphreys . . 8 2 21 1 . . .. ;1!;ter..................1.1 0 2 1 ., .. Smith Scoond Innings. O. M. R.W . . .. 17 5 27 2 .. .. 1(5 7 28 0 .. .. 21.1 0 31 5 .. .. 17 5 27 2 .. .. 8 5 4 0 HIGHGATE v. TOWER HAMLETS. Played at Page’s on August 26, aud drawn greatly :favour of Highgate. fi. H ig h g a te . I j R. Fljjin, b Hunter .. 0 J. Carter, b Furneaux .. 2 Mm ’ iiiggsfl b w, b Hunter 15 I F.W. Richardson, b tunter . _ / .................7 l Harrower:!) Devey .. 5 1 H. ArchibaldMb Fur- j. taux .....................19 i fcEarp, c Devey, b i ,lu n t e r ..........................0 W. Carry, b 1urneaux .. 1 S. Barnidge, bFurneaux 2 J. H. Read, not ou t.. .. 1 J. C. Isaac, c Vernon, b Furneaux ..................13 Extras.........................9 T o t a l................74 Ht/Ur ler, b F ljn n .. otcr' T o w er H am lets . J. Tucker, b Barnidge .. 2 Furneaux, b Flynn .. .. 0 Ravnor, b Barnidge .. .. 2 Brittain, not out .. ., 0 Sherman, b Barnidge .. 2 Extras..........................7 T o t a l..................£9 ■ Tynn " j : iderson.b Barnidge 6 Vernon, f; e Biggs, b :lynn . .........................9 iTeinon£run ou t.. .. 0 |!( Devey, b Bamidge V\. 0 j j. ------------------------------------------------------------- h BATTERSEA v. TUNBRIDGE WELLS. |flayed at Tunbridge Wells on Wednesday, ;. gust 23, and terminated in a victory for the ', itors. B a tt e r se a . It T. W e^A, c and b night rf.......................... Pete l-SjbJKnight Finding, c Attree, b night j . . .................. Haldane; b Coote^. Sorlh, b Booty V-. 1Sugden.Tc I'ebbcr Attree, b J. Anning, c Fletchcr, b W ebber..........................1 H. Howick, b B ooty.. .. 0 T. Wilkinson, b Knight .. 25 E. Sngden, not out .. .. 19 W. Crocker, c Fletcher, b K n ig h t..........................0 Byes, &o...................... 5 T o t a l............. 130 C. Mare, b 3. Sugden .. 8 W. Martin, b J. Sugden.. 12 J. Jackson, run ou t.. .. 30 F. Attree, b Finding.. .. 9 F. Booty, b Finding.. .. 0 W. Knight, b Finding .. 11 H. Webber, b Finding .. 0 Rev. J. Hoare, b Sugden.. T. Elliott, b Finding Flotcher, not out .. Coote, retired hurt .. Byes, &c........................ T o t a l..................114 ADDISCOMBE v. BEDDINGTON. Played at Addiscombe on Thursday, August 24. A d d isco m be . J. W Ellis,b Jones.. .. 73 A. D. Coste, c Bentley, b T. Henderson .. .. 28 C. J. Foss, b Dives .. .. 20 F. Clay, c and b T. Hender­ son ..................................23 A. Springett.c Muggeridge, b R. Henderson .. ..2 2 A. C. Field, b R. Hender- s o n .......................... ..1 5 E. W. Foss, e Birley, b T. Henderson ..................8 B e d d ixg to n . R. J. Grant, c T. Hender­ son, b Jon es..................27 C. J. Mornington, b R. Henderson ..................0 C. E. Davis, b T. Hen­ derson ..........................0 H. E. Hockley, notout .. 17 B 7 ,1-b 2, w 1.. .. 10 Total .243 F. H. Birley, b C. J. Foss 24 S. A. Jones, c Coste, b E. W. F o s s ..........................7 T. Henderson, b E. W. F oss..................................3 J. Dives, c Clay, b E. W. F oss..................................13 Captain Muggeridge, lb w , bC. J. F o s s ..................2 A. F. Stevens, Rev. J. Graham, and F. Dutton did not bat. C. Bentley, e Grant, b E. W. F oss........................47 R. Henderson, not out .. 52 J. Aris, not out................20 B 7 ,w 4 ................ 11 T o ta l............... 179 Mucn interest is at present felt in literary circles in a work of Mr. Percy M. Thornton, the Hon. Sec. of the Middlesex County Club, and therefore as connected with cricket possessing an interest for our readers. “ Foreign Secretaries of the 19th Century,” vol. 3, published by W. H. Allen, Waterloo-place, is said to contain original informa­ tion, culled from all available private sources, and to give publicity to a cause which did much to hasten the Crimean war. S udden D eath at the O val . —Just after the con­ clusion of the Australian innings on Tuesday, a man, named Spendler, of Eastbourne, fell down. Blood flowed freely from his mouth, and a medical examination showed that death had resulted from congestion of the lungs, and the bursting of a blood vessel, CRICKET CALENDAR 1 8 8 3 . f t D lA I^ Y FOR TH E J3 e A £ 0 ^ . Containing— A L L P R I N C I P A L M A T C H E S , W ith R o om for In sertion o f Ow n E n g a g e ­ m ents, B attin g and B ow lin g R ecord s, M em oranda, &c. NOW READY, PRICE SIXPENCE C R I C K E T P R E S S , 1 7 , P A T E R N O S T E R S QU A R E , LONDON, E.C. FOOTBALLS,JERSEYS,SHINGDARDS &c-, &c-, &c- RICHARD DAFT ’S p a t e n t w a t e r p r o o f l i n e d FOOTBALLS, As used and highly commended by all the leading • Clubs. Great reduction in FOOTBALL JERSEYS, do, S. W. Widdowson’s Registered' Shin Guards, Bryan’s ditto, and every requisite. Price Lists containing latest revised La\\s (Association and Rugby) post free. Address : RICHARD DAFT , am i f p w i t e m p o r i u m :, 1, LISTER GATE, NOTTINGHAM. B.—R. DAFT will be pleased to recommend Pro­ fessional Bowlers to Clubs, Colleges, and Schools for next Season. BRILL’S SEA SALT Should be used by all CBICKETEBS and ATHLETES . It braces and refreshes, and is invaluable for SPRAINS and STRAINS. Ud. PER BATH. O F A L L C H E M I S T S , E T C A U S T R A v. S H A W ’S AUSTRAL IAN ELEVEN . K EN S ING TO N OVAL , Sept. 18, 19, and 20, or Sept. 23, 25, and 26. Admission to the Ground, One Shilling. IS S U E D E A R L Y IN O C T O B E R . THE YORKSHIRE FOOTBALL HANDBOOK (li.U. AND A.) FOR 1882-3, 2d. THE LANCASHIRE RUGBY FOOTBALL FOR 1882-3, 2d. THE LANCASHIRE ASSOCIATION FOOTBALL FOR 1882-3, 2d. These books will contain this season’s Match Fixtures for the most important clubs in the above counties, with Laws Rules, Memoranda, and other interesting information. Also, LANCASHIRE RECORD OP CRICKET IN 1882, 6d. YORKSHIRE RECORD OF CRICKET IN 1882, 6d. Each book contains the full Scores of above County Matches, full scores of the Australians, Averages, &c. &c. BURY, LANCASHIRE : PRINTED AND PUBLISHED BY FLETCHER & SPEIGHT, CROSS-STREET. L on don : CRICKEi PRESS, 17, PATERNOSTER s 4 , E.Ci