Cricket 1882

266 CRICKET; A WEEKLY RECORD OF THE GAME. AUGUST 31,1882. BEDDINGTON v. CAESHALTON HOUSE. Played at Carshalton on Saturday, August 26. B eddin gton . First Innings. A. Tomkins, c and l> Costo ..........................2 T. Henderson, b Coste .. 7 A. F. Stevens, b Coste .. 11 Rev. J. Graham, c Brook, b C o s t e ..........................7 R. Henderson, b Nelson .. 20 H. Brougham, absent .. 0 H. A. J. Tatton, b Nelson 2 H. Moody, not out .. .. 14 W. M. North, b Ross .. 11 W. Swanst*n, b Coste .. 0 C. Bentley, run out.. .. 15 B 6, 1-bl, n b l .. 8 T o ta l..................97 In the second innings Tomkins scored (b Ross) 0, T. Hen­ derson (not out) 18. Stevens (e Koch, b Ross) 12. Rev. J. Graham (not out) 11, H. Brougham (b Ross) 0 ; b 7 ; total, 48. C arsh alton H ou se . H. Nelson,c T. Henderson, bR.H enderson .. .. C. Johnston, b R. Hender­ son .................................. W. Nelson, e R. Hender­ son, b T. Henderson .. J. H. Brooks,st Brougham, b T. Henderson .. L. Coste, c R. Henderson, b T. Henderson .. F. Thatcher, o Graham, b R. Henderson.................. C. Ross, b R. Henderson 5 2 O. Marks, c and b T. Hen­ derson .......................... 4 6 T. Croften, not out .. .. 0 F. H. Koch, b T. Hender- 9 0 C.Limonziu, c Moody, b 5 T. Henderson .. 0 B .................................. 7 0 T o ta l.................. 89 1 T H E N O N D E S C R I P T S ’ TOUR . The Nondescripts began their annual tour in the South on August 5. They played seven matches, winning one, losing two, the remainder being drawn owing to heavy scoring, for which hard, true wickets and weak bowling are responsible. The most noteworthy feature of the tour was the huge score put together by the United Service at Ports­ mouth ; it was no mean feat to score 308 for four wickets, after fielding for a day and a half beneath a tremendous sun. Mr. Green distinguished himself by two consecutive iunings of 9G and 97, both not out. Mr. Ford got three figures on two occasions, and Mr. F. P. Francis did good service with bat, ball, and gloves, though the want of a regular wicket-keeper was severely felt. NONDESCRIPTS v. DEVONSHIRE PARK. Played at Eastbourne on August 7 and 8. D evo n sh ire P a r k . First Innings. Second Innings. W. A. Soamcs, c F. P. Francis, b F o r d ..........................................9 b Stokes .......................13 C. H. Dorman, b Stokes .. .. 3 o Rushworth, b ? mVt Stokes ..................86 II. Bourdillon, b Stokes .. .. O b F ord.......................... 17 C. Mitchell, 1 b w, b Martineau 81 b I'\ P. Francis .. .. 41 C. L. Hickley, b Stokes .. .. 2 c Young, b Ford.. .. 55 11. Hetley, b Ford........................43 run out ..........................4 J. Aste, b S tok es ........................ 10 b Ford..................................4 C. Hulton, c sub, b Wilde .. .. 1 not out...............................40 A. Kettlewell, 1b w, bFord .. 12 b F. P. Francis .. .. 2 A. Knowles, run out .................21 c W P. Francis, b F ord................................0 E. Bray, b W ild o.........................8 c Street, b F. P. F ra n cis..............31 P. A. Newton, not out..................3 c Stok s, b Wildo .. G B 13, n b 2 ..........................15 B 23,1-b 6, n b 2 . 34 Total. Total ..286 ON descripts . First Iunings. A. S. Fiancis, b Aste .. 34 W. J. Ford, b Anto .. ..9 5 Stckes, c Hulton, b Bray..................................1 F. P. Francis, 1 b w, b Aste..................................17 M. Wilde, c and b Bray.. 55 P II. Martiueau.bNewton 2J A. W. C. Young, c Hulton, b Bray ..........................3 G. H. P. Street, st Bour­ dillon, b Aste........................5 Ii. Rogers, c and b Bray . 0 D. Moffat, b Aste .. .. 5 II. Rushworth, c Hickley, b B r a y ............................... 3 O. D. Brooks, not out .. 1 B 11,1-b 3, w 2 .. .. 16 T o t a l ................... 2J1 Iu the sccond innings A. S. Francis (c Hetley, b Bray; 6, Ford (c Bourdillou, b Hickley) 80, Stokes (not out) 46. F. P. Francis (not out) 18, Street (b Bray) 6 ; b 8, w 1 ; total, 110. NONDESCRIPTS v. PORTSMOUTH. Played at Portsmouth on August 9 and 10. P o r tsm o u th . Copt. Ravcnliill (85th), b F o id .......................................2 Lieut. Lyle (85th), c Mcffat, b Francis .. .. 21 Litut. Staunton (92nd), b E. H. Bambridge .. .. 5 Cftpt. Spens (85tli), tt Francis, b W. S. Bam- I.ridge ...........................883 Capt. Smytlie (85th), b W. S. Bainbridge.....................12 Li< ut. Stewart (92nd), b E. II. Bambridge...............35 Lieut. Jones (17th), c and b E. II. Bambiidgo .. 86 Sergt. McDermott (G6th), b For i ........................... Ill Lieut. Bojd (92nd), c and b F o r d .............................18 Master - Gunner Novell (R.A.), st Francis, b M o ffa t................................. 6 Major Luaru (, not o u t ....................................... 4 Col. Hagge (66th), st Francis, b Moffat .. 6 B 25,1-b 5, w 12 .. 42 T o ta l...................734 N o n descripts . W . B. Green, not ont .. 97 T. Moore, b Smvthe .. 0 B 8, 1-b 4, w 2 .. .. 14 Total .308 W. J. Ford, c Boyd, b Jones....................................100 W. S. Bambridge,b Raven- hill ........................................2 F. P. Francis, c and b Ravenhiil.............................. 95 G. H. P. Street, Russell-Rogers, H. Rushworth, D. Moffat, E. Britten-Holmes, E. H. Bambridge, and 0. D. Brooks did not bat. NONDESCRIPTS v. GENTLEMEN OF SUSSEX. Played at Brighton, August 11 and 12. N o n d escripts . First Innings. W. J. Ford, b Greenfield . F. P. Francis, c Knightley, b G reenfield..................................41 W. B. Green, not o u t..................96 M. Wilde, c Knightley, b R. Turnbull ..................................12 T. Moore, run out.........................17 A. Young, c Smith, b Greenfield 1 G. H. P. Street, c Knightley, b Willock..........................................8 H. Rushworth, b Greenfield .. 9 H. M. Mills, c Smith, b.Willock 11 A. S. Hurst, st Knightley, b R. Turnbull ..................................0 W. Blaker, c Blackman, b Groen- field ..........................* .. ..1 3 B 5, 1-b 3..................................8 Total................................285 Second Innings, c Ellis, b R. M. Turn­ bull ..........................0 run out..........................4 c Pelham, b Blackman 21 c Stevens, b R. M. Turnbull..................0 b Greenfield .. .. 6 c Willock, b Green­ field ..........................26 c Blackman, b R. M. Turnbull..................4 b Blackman..................0 run out..........................32 cGroenfield, b R. M. Turnbull..................5 not ont. B 9. Total ..118 G en tlem en of S u ssex . F. J. Greenfield, c Moore, Hon. A. L. Pelham, b b Ford .......................... 7 Blaker .......................... 98 A. Blackman, c Mills, b A. Knightley, c Ford, b Ford.................................. 15 Hurst .......................... 81 G. N. Wyatt, c Green, b C. J. Willock, b Blaker .. 23 F r a n cis .......................... 89 W. Smith, c Rushworth, b R. M. Turnbull, run out.. 64 F ra n cis .......................... 38 F. G. Turnbull, c Young, b B. Ellis, not out.................. 2 Ford.................................. 57 B 11,1-b 3, w 3 .. .. 17 E. n . Stevens, b Blaker .. 8 Total .446 DEVONSHIRE PARK v. NONDESCRIPTS. Played at Devonshire Park on August 14 and 15. N o n descripts . First Innings. Second Innings. A. S. Francis, c Hurst, b Bray .. 8 not out..........................65 W. J. Ford, c Hurst, b Aste .. 8 c Brown, b Bray .. 93 F. Stokes, b Hurst ..................21 c Soames, b Bi*ay .. 0 F. P. Francis, run out..................41 c Hurst, b Bray.. .. 2 G. Campbell, c Dorman, b Hurst ~..........................................2 b B ray..........................6 P. Chasmore, c Hetley, b H u r s t..........................................9 b Hurst ................12 F. Moore.c Aste, b Bray .. .. 2 notout..........................28 G. H .P. Street, b Moffat .. ..8 5 c Aste, b Matlieson .. 23 II. M. Mills, c Soames, b Hurst.. 17 W .E . Blaker, b A s t e ..................43 R. Rogeis, not out .................. 16 st Dorman, b Aste .. 4 II. Rushworth, b Bray..................5 B 7 ,1-b 8 ..................................10 B7, w l .. .. 8 Total..................................217 D evon sh ire P ark . Total ..216 A. S. Hurst,run ou t.. .. 0 W. A. Soames, b Campbell 10 C. Mitchell, c Francis, b Pord..................................8 C. Hulton, b Stokes.. .. 87 H. Hetley. c Mills, b Ford 1 .T. Aste, c Francis, b Ford. 41 C. H. Dorman, b Ford .. 1 C. A. Brown, c Mills, b Stokes .........................2 3 A. C. Scott, c Street, b Ford.................................. E. Bray, c Stokes, b Ford D. Moffat, c Francis, b Ford.................................. Mattlieson, not out .. B 25,1-b6, w 8 .. T o t a l..................261 NONDESCRIPTS v. HASTINGS. Played at Hastings on August 16 and 17. N o n descripts . First Innings. Second Innings. W. J. Ford, b Webber......................37 c A. Soames, b Morton 5 F. P. Francis, c W'*»bber, b Mor­ ton .................. ..................13 1b w, b A. Soames .. 2 T. Moore, c and Larkins .. .. 25 b L a rk in s .........27 P. Chasemore, c Webber, b Lar­ kins ..........................................63 c Druce, b Morton .. 9 A. Young, c Langley, b Morton . 2 b Morton ...........22 G. II. Street, c Currie, b Larkins 77 not ou t................ 57 F. West, b Morton ..................2 c A. Soames,b Morton 4 E. Hawtrcy, c Watson, b Morton 8 c WatEon,bW'cbber.. 0 W. C. Blaker, c Soames, b Lar­ kins ..........................................1 c Morton, b Webber .. 0 D. Moffat, run out ..................9 absent, hurt .. .. 0 II. Rushworth, not out .. . . 1 0 c Morton, b A. Soames 0 B10,1-b 3 ...............................13 B 2 ,1-b 1, w 2 .. 5 Total................................. 260 Total .. .,131 H asting s . First Innings. A. W. Soames, b Blaker .. 65 W. Langley, b Ford .. W. A. Soames, b Francis.. C. K. Watson, c Young, b F r a n cis .......................... R. B. Webber, b Ford J. A. Druce, c West, b Hawtrey .. ., .. A. C. Currie, b Ford.. .. C. W. Harris, b Moore .. 15 W. R. Larkins, c Haw­ trey, b F o r d .................0 W . Leetham, not out .. 19 Morton, c Francis, b Moore .........................0 B 10,1-b 4 ................ 14 T o t a l...............191 In the second innings, A. W. Soaraes scored (b Hawtrey) 21, W. A. Soames (b Blaker) 89, C. K. Watson (not out) 6, W, Leetham (c sub, b Rushworth) 16; b 8, 1-b 2, w 3 } total, 93. NONDESC RIPTS v. TUNBRIDGE WELLS. Played at Tunbridge Wells, August 18 and 19, N on descripts . First Innings. Sccond Innings. W. J. Ford, b D raper..................17 b Lushington .. ..1 7 T. Moore, b Draper ..................9 c Draper, b Lushing- ton ..........................8 P. Chasemore, c Pattison, b Draper......................................... 9 c aud b Jones .. ..1 3 G. H. P. Street, b Draper .. .. 0 b Noakes ................. 1 F. P. Francis, c Streatfield, b Noakes.........................................12 b Lushington .. ..1 9 F. West, 1b w, b Noakes .. .. 8 b Lushington .. .. 0 W .C . Blaker, not o u t.................. 8 b Lushington .. .. 4 H. Rushworth, b Streatfield .. 2 notout..........................4 R. Rogers, c Lushington, b Draper..........................................0 b Draper ............................4 E. W. Hawtrey, b Draper .. .. 3 c and b Draper .. .. 11 G. II. Bambriilge,b Streatfleld.. 0 b Jones.........................1 B 1,1-b 4 ..................................5 B 4,1-b 4, w4, nb 1 13 Total..................................68 T u n brido e W e l l s . Total .. ..9 0 F. G. Lushington, c Street, b F’ord .. .. 7 A. N. Streatfield, c Street, b Bambridge..................7 J. Dives, c Chasemore, b Ford..................................12 W. N. Cobbold, b Ford .. 5 W. B. Pattisson, b Ford.. 8 J. Noakes, b Moore .. .. 8 J. A. S. Jones, b Moore .. 1 n . L. Colebrook, run out 7 F. Marchant, b Ford .. 1 Draper, not out..................84 J. Jackson, c Chasemore, b Francis..........................7 B 6, 1-b 1 ..................6 T o t a l..................103 In the second innings F. G. Lushington scored (o Ford, b Blaker) 11, A. N. Strcatfield (not out) 9, J. Dives (not out) 0, W. B. Pattisson (c Street, b Moore) 10, and II. L. Colebrook (o Ford, b Blaker), 21; b 5; total, 56. NONDESCRIPTS v. WINDMILL HILL. Played at Windmill Hill on August 21 and 22. N ondescripts . First Innings. Sccond Innings. W. J.Ford,cWinchester,bLarby 23 b U n s te d ...................HO F. P. Francis, b Northcote.. ..4 4 b Unsted .. .. ..5 1 G. Campbell, b Larby..................5 b U n s t e d ....................... ^ T. Moore, c Leslie, b Unsted .. 1 li w, b Northcote .. 0 A. Young, c and b Unsted .. .. 14 c Larby, b Unsted .. 2 F. West, c Ashburnliam,b Unsted 6 b U n s te d .......................0 R. Rogers, c Ashburnham, b N orth cote..................................0 b Winchester .. ..1 5 O. D. Brooks, b Northcote .. .. 8 not out....................9 H. Rushworth, c Nortlicote, b Unsted......................................... 2 absent.................................0 L. Ford, c Simmons, b Northcote 7 b Larby .......................14 E. II. Bambridge, not out .. .. 0 b II. Carteis .. ..1 1 B 7 ,1-b 1 ..................................8 B 16, w 1 .. .. 17 Total..................................118 Total .. ..236 W indmill H ill . First Innings. Sccond Innings. J. E. C. Leslie, b L. Ford .. .. 0 st Francis, b L. Ford 9 W. W. Larby, b Francis .. ..2 8 c W. J. Ford, b Francis 8 R. M. Curtcis, b L. Ford .. .. 10 run out....................4 E. A. Northcote, c Bambridgo, b c Bambridge, b W. J. L. Ford......................................... 1F o id .. ., .. .. 3 S. P. Bucknill, b Francis .. .. 40 b W. J. Ford .. ..0 J. E. Stubberfield, c Campbell, b Francis..........................................24 c and b L. Ford.... 5 J. Winchester, b West..................14 c Francis, b Campbell 8 C. Simmcns, b W c s i ..................2 c.Bambridge, b Camp­ bell ...................7 R. Asliburnliam, b W. J. Ford .. 85 b Campbell.......................... H. Curteis, not ont ..................23 notout.................................... Unsted, c Francis, b W. J. Ford 0 b Campbell........................ B 18,1-b 1 ..........................19 B 1 ,1-b 2, w 3 .. 6 Total. .196 Total 59 GRYPHONS v. HAMPTON WICK. Played at Hampton Wick on August 26. G ryph ons . Wynn-fllackenzie, b Chetwyud .................. J. B. Elcum, b Spearing. E. C. Saunders, b Sailer 12 J. Gifford, b Chetwynd .. 16 J. G. Ferns, c Adcock, b Cnetwynd ..................13 A. J. King, b Spearing .. 4 F.II. Short, b Spearing .. 4 C. O. Minchin, not out .. 16 H. Meller, b Bird .. .. 15 G. W. Wade, b Spearing . 4 0 1 A. Cassan-Paul, 1 b w, b Spearing...........................0 B 5 ,1-b 3, w 2 .. ..1 0 Total 95