Cricket 1882

264 CRICKET; A "WEEKLY RECORD OF THE GAME. a u g u s t ii, t m . U pton P a r k . H. 0. Ellis, st Oelrichs, b D aly.................................6 Jno. Dives, lu n ou t . . .. 1 A. C. Cattley, b D aly.. .. 58 C. Avery, b Daly...............83 H. B. Fox, c Rehder, b D a ly ...............................11 R. Henderson, c Oelrichs, b Fox.............................. 83 A. McBain, b Daly .. .. 6 Jas. Dives, c Neame, b Daly..................................11 A. J. East, c Abell, b T u rn er..........................39 St. J. M. Young, b Turner 4 A. J. Weakley, not out .. 0 B 26, 1-b 4, w 4 ..3 4 Total EAST GRINSTEAD v. HORSHAM. Played nt East Grinstead on August 11. E ast G r in st e a d . W. Payne, c Chilman, b G. Lynn, c Attwater, b Aldridge.......................... 0 Chilm an.......................... 8 A. Huggett, 1 b w, b Aid* C.^E. Collins, c Baggallay, ridge .......................... 49 b Chilman .................. 4 W. W. Evcrshed, c AttR. P. Crawfurd, b Aldridge 3 water, b Chilman .. 32 C. P. Thompson, c sub, b P.E. Wallis, b Chilman .. 2 Chilm an.......................... 10 W. Tester, not out .. 24 R. Cheal, c sub, b Aldridge 6 F. Padwick, c Nash, b B 6, 1-b 6, w 1 .. 13 5 — T o t a l.................. 150 H o rsh am . First Innings. L. Bortr, b Payne .. .. 0 W. Nash, b Payne .. .. 8 A. Aldridge, c and b Payne .......................... 4 P. Chasemore, c Wallis, b Huggatt ...................12 R. Thornton, c Padwick, b Payne ..........................5 E. Baggallay, c Wallis, b H uggett..........................8 In the second innings Chilman scored (b Evershed) 6, W. Nash (notout) 3, L. Borer (b Evershed) 4, J. Agate (bEver- shed) 0, II. C. Attwater(not out) 0 ; 1-b 2 ; total, 15. F. Passell, hw, b Huggett 4 H. Padwick, c Crawfurd, b Payne ..........................19 J. Agate, b Huggett.. .. 0 H. C. Attwater, b Huggett 6 Chilman, not out .. .. 9 B ...................................3 T o t a l.................. 73 CITY RAMBLERS v. CROYDON. Played at Croydon on August 26. C ity R a m b le r s . J. Henderson, b Evans .. 12 A. Duke, bEvans .. .. 4 T. P. Semple, c Elliott, b Evans .......................... 7 J. Fisher, c Neech, b McLachlan .................. 81 C. Barber, c and b Neech.. 8 J. Dempsey, c Ward, b Groom ..........................29 J. Crowther, run out W. Bee, c Ward, b Neech .......................... L. J. McNare, c Groom, b Neech .......................... H. Shields, not out.. .. L. Saunders, 1) Neech .. B 12,1-b 8, w 1 .. 12 T o ta l..................135 C roydon , H. R. Groom, c Henderson, b Dempsey .................. 28 J. W. Lowles, c Semple, b Henderson ..................12 J. Aris, c Crowther, b Henderson .• .. .. 2 J. Elliott, b Seraple J. C. Neech, not out C. F. Evans, not out B 6, 1-b 1, n b 1 T o ta l.................. 71 H. W. Ward, J. E. McLochlan, J. C. Hawkins, A. Hill, and G. L. Roberts did not bat. HAVERSHAM v. OLD BRUCIANS. Played at Haversliam on August 14 aud 15, end­ ing in a draw. H aversh am . Second Innings. b R o b s o n ..................32 c and b Foa..................3 c Robson, b Hill First Innings. W. H. Patterson, b Freeman .. P. Bryant, b Strode .................. F. J. Lacey, c Robson, b Strode • Rev. W. B. Weighell, st Reeve, b Freeman.................................. J. J. Patterson, b Strode .. J. Foord-Kelcey, b Hill .. .. G. K. Anderson, c Botsford, b Hill .......................................... W. L. Courtney, b Hill .. W. Stunt, b H i l l .......................... S. Neame, c and b Freeman.. .. P. B. Neamc, not out 80 c Robson, b Foa.. b H i l l .................. c Botsford, b Hill 17 b H i l l ......................... 44 c Freeman, b Botsford 2 absen t.........................0 1 not out.........................0 0 b B otsford.................0 B 8, 1-b 2 ..................................5 ^ B 21,1-b 5, w 2 .. 28 Total. ..................168 O ld B ru cian s . First Innings. Total A. W. Brewer, c Courtney, b J. Patterson .. .. 5 C. Robson, c Bryant, b Foord-Kelcey..................11 W. W. Reeve, b W. H. Pat­ terson ..........................28 R. W. D. Hill, c Weighell, . b W. H. Patterson .. 67 E. Strode, c W. H. Patter­ son, b Foord-Kelcey .. 14 P. Freeman, b Foord-Kel- cey A. F. R. Bird, 1 b w, b Foord-Kelcey.................. J. W. Botsford, c Stunt, b Foord-Kelcey.................. E. J. Foa, st Stunt, b W. H. Patterson.................. L. Shaw, b W. H. Pattei- s o n .................................. C.L.Graham(sub), not out B 9 ,1-b 4, w 2 .. .. 1 Total ..184 In the second innings, Brewer (bFoord-Kelcey) scored 5, Rob­ son (run cut) 2, Reeve (c Bryant, b Foord-Kelcey) 8, Hill (uot out) 8, Strode (not out) 2, Graham (run out) 10; b 4; total, 34 NE’ER-DO-WEELS v. KINGSTON HILL. Played at Kingston Hill on Saturday, August 26. K in gston H il l . First Innings. A. Hay-Cooper, b Spiro .. 20 C. D. Hodgson, not out .. 51 Capt. Dacres, b Spiro .. 0 A. Goodwin-Austen, run o u t ................................. 1 J. D. Charrington, b P. W. T h om as..........................0 S. Dacres, run out .. .. 4 N . P. Adams, c Pugh, b Spiro..................................1 In the second innings C. D. Hodgson scored (not out) 3C> Capt. Dacres (not out) 10, J. A. K. Campbell (b P. W. Thomas) 9; extras, 4; total, 53. N e ’ e r - d o -W e e ls . J. A. K. Campbell, b P. W. T h om a s..........................G C. H. Snowball, c J. Har­ bottle, b Spiro..................2 Atkinson, c J. Harbottle, b P. W. Thomas .. .. 3 B 1 ,1-b 4, w 1 .. .. 6 T o t a l .................. 91 T. B. Harbottle, o Hodg­ son, b Adams..................23 H. E. Anthony, b Hodgson 2 D. G. Spiro, c Hodgson, b Campbell..........................29 F. Fielding, b Charrington 24 J. Harbottle, c Campbell, b Charrington..................10 C. Martineau, b Goodwin- Austen ..........................34 J. W. Thomas, c Campbell, b Adams .. ..................10 P. W. Thoma i, run out .. 0 H. Anthony, b Adams .. 2 J. J. G. Pugh, not out .. 4 B 4 ,1-b 1, w 18 .. .. 25 Total .163 ESHER v. LEWES PRIORY. Played at Lewes on Saturday, August 26. Esher won by seven wickets. L e w e s P b io b y . First Innings. Second Innings. H. Whitfeld, b L u ca s.................. 10 b C o ttre ll......................82 A. H. Trevor, b Lucas..................0 c C. Clarke, b Cattley 48 F. E. Street, b L u ca s.................. 7 b Lucas ........................2 F. B. Whitfeld, b Cottrell .. .. R. K. Sampson, b Lucas .. R. M. Turnbull, c Mitchell, b L u c a s .......................................... Rev. F. F. J. Greenfield, c C. C. Clarke, b Cottrell .................. T. S. Whitfeld, c Wigram, b Lucas .. .......................... Hon. A. L. Pelham, c Mitchell, b Lucas b C o ttre ll..................0 c Lucas, b Cottrell .. 0 0 b Lucas 4 c Marshall, b Cottrell 8 24 b Lucas .................. 1 notout., ............... 8 E. Winter, absent..........................0 c C. Clarke, b Lucas.. 4 A. L. Whitfeld, absent “ * - - 0 b C o ttr e ll..................0 W . Keen, not o u t ..........................0 b Lucas ...................... 4 Extras..................8 Extras Total..............................60 E sh e r . First Innings. A. P. Lucas, c A. L. Whitfeld, b Pelham..........................................2 A. D. Sim, b P e lh a m ..................2 R. A. H. Mitchell, c T. S. Whit­ feld, b H. W hitfeld.................. 24 C. E. Cottrell, c and b Turnbull 20 C. C. Clarke, c T. S. Whitfeld, b H. Whitfeld ..........................7 M. C. Clarke, b Turnbull .. .. 2 R. A. Bannatine, b H.Whitfeld 2 A. C. Cattley, b Pelham .. .. 22 G. Martineau, run out .. .. 5 M. Marshall, b Turnbull .. .. 0 E. Wigram, b Turnbull .. .. 0 C. A. Grenfell, not out................0 Extras ........................................ Total...............................9 Total ..106 Second Innings. b T. S. Whitfeld .. 25 c Trevor, b Pelham .. 0 1b w, b Pelham.. .. 24 not out..........................10 not out..........................1 cWinter, b H.Whitfeld 15 Extras . Total 78 CLAPHAM v. FAIRFIELD. Played at Upper Tooting on July 24, resulting in an easy victory for the home team. CliAPHAM. S Colman, run out .. .. 1 H. A. Smith,b F. W. Ledger 4 Helps, c Comber, b Ledger 88 E. B. Hadley, b Gilbert .. 71 R. W. Smith, not out .. 47 A. Winterbottom, 1 b w, b Ledger ..........................0 S. Starkie, st Comber, b Ledger ........................* 18 W. R. Major, b Comber.. 82 J. Clark, b Gibson .. .. 5 F. Budge, b Comber .. 7 G. Illingworth, b Gibson 0 J. Muckalt, b Gibson .. 2 B 2 2 , 1-b 9, w 2 . . . . 83 Total F a ir f ie l d . F. W. Ledger, c and b Helps .......................... Comber, c Starkie, b Helps F. Brown, b Starkie .. C. H. Hurndall, c Colman, b Starkie.......................... C. Skelton, b Helps .. A. Muckalt, b Helps .. H. Chapman, b Helps .. W . Gilbert, b Starkie C. Absolon, b Starkie J. Gibson, not o u t .. W . Black, b Helps .. P. Russell, b Helps B 9 ,1-b 6, w 3 .. Total . MIDDLESEX WANDERERS v. BISHOPS STORTFORD. Played at Bishops Stortford on Wednesday, August 23. M id d le se x W a n d e r e r s . First Innings. A. C. Field,bSilcock.. .. 8 E. W. Foss, b Silcock .. 0 H. S. Dominy, b W yatt.. 11 J. MacLachlin, b Silcock.. W. L. Pierce, b Silcock .. 5 G. Smales, c Wigan, b Sil- P. H. Lockhart, not out .. 17 c o c k ..................................6 J. P. Enerby, b Silcock . . 2 B 4 ..................................4 H. Munday,b Wyatt . . 0 — C. J. Foss, b Wyatt .. .. 12 T o t a l ...................... L. G. Weston, b Silcock .. 2 Iu the second innings A. C. Field scored (b Wyatt) 4, H. S. Dominy (c Wigan, b Silcock) 5, W. L. Pierce (b Silcock) 0, P. H. Lockhart (not out) 26, H. Munday (not out) 1; total, 35. B ish ops S to rtfo rd . First Innings. Second Innings. A. N. Gilbey, b MacLachlin .. 0 M. Taylor, b MacLachlin .. 0 J. Wilkes, b Enerby .................. 2 15 Wyatt, b M acLachlin.................. 1 Rev. T. H. Rust, c Lockhart, b Enerby.......................................... 4 c Pierce, b Euerby . 0 Silcock, run o u t .......................... 1 c Pierce, b Enerby . 9 E. F. Heritage, c Field, b Enerby 0 b E n e r b y ................ 8 J. L. Wigan, b MacLachlin .. 5 not out........................ 6 H. J. Carter, st E. W. Foss, b 4 c Foss, b Enerby . 0 C. V. Thorneycroft, not out .. 17 b MacLachlin .. . 2 H. Wilton, b MacLachlin .. 1 c and b Foss .. . 1 5 B 4 ,1-b 1, w 1 . 6 Total .......................... 40 Total .. . 54 COMMERCIAL UNION ASSURANCE v. Played at Loughborough on Saturday last. C o m m e r c ia l U nion A ssu ran ce . F. P. Mountain, b H ope.. 2 P. Leese, run out .. .. 32 G. A. Smith, run out .. 4 F. F. Kelly, b Marshall .. 2 G. H . Harnett,b Marshall 3 E. A. Stark, b Marshall .. 2 E. Boor, c Macfarlane, b Marshall..........................21 J. Day, b Marshall .. S. Turner, b Marshall H. Hall, b Marshall .. P. W. Milnes, not out B 7 ,1-b 3, w 5 IBS .. 0 .. 0 .. 7 .. 11 .. 15 Total I b is . Daws, b K e lly ..................S Macfarlane, c Hall, b Mountain .................. Marshall, b Kelly .. Roberson, c Day, b Moun­ tain .................................. Waterer, c Leese, b Kelly .......................... Lidbury, b Kelly .. Cordery, c Harnett, b Kelly............................... 1§ Thompson, c and b Kelly 4 Bagstall, not out .. .. 1 Hope, not o u t ................0 B 5, w 1 ................6 T o t a l............... 71 Baker did not bat. ISLINGTON ALBION v. ACTON. Played at Acton. I slington A lb io n . F._W. Gtielrier, c R. Atlee, J. H. Oxley, c 0. Atleej b b W illia m s .................. .2 4 W. H. A. Gow, b Richard­ son ......................................11 J. Palmer, c and b R. Atlee ................................9 J. Haines, c Booking, b Williams............................... 9 J. R. McCullocli, b Wil­ liams ..............................28 Freeman, c Booking, b R. Atlee ................................8 R. Atlce .. i . .. .. 5 W. H. Lediard, b R. Atlee 19 J. G. Wiseman, b R. Atlee 23 H. Collett, c Tilley, b Williams.. ................ 21 J. Seward, not out .. B 12, 1-b 8, w 1.. . . 1 T o t a l............... 177 AGT o N* First Innings. Second Innings. E. Richardson, b Collett .. . . 3 c Freeman, b Palmer A. Tilley, b Collett..................*. 4 st Oxley, b Freeman.. W. Williams, b Freeman .. . . 4 6 c Collett, b Freeman.. A. C. Bocking, b Palmer .. .. 9 notout........................... J. F. O. Kearney, b Collett.. .. 20 R. Atlee, b F reem an ..................8 c Seward, b Freeman . G. Thomas, c Palmer, b Free­ man ......................................... 5 C. Atlee, b Collett.. .. ,, ,. o c and b Freeman .. It. Acton, bCollett ..................1 n otou t........................... J. Sceates, run out..........................0 W. Martin, not out .................. 0 B 6, 1-b 5, w 1..........................12 B 7, l*b 3 .. .. Total..................................103 Total .. .. 81