Cricket 1882

AttGUST 31, 1883. CRICKET; A WEEKLY RECORD OF THE GAME. 263 BIjACKHEATH MORDEN v. ADDISCOMBE. Played at Blackheath on Saturday, August 26. B la c k iie a th M okden . L. W. Stobart, 1 b w b A. S. Isaacs, c Ellis, b J. J. G ra n t.................. 1 Grant .................. 0 A Poland, c Loftus, b W. J. Harris, b Langton 4 J. G rant.................. 0 G. R. Hutchinson, b J. P. A. Newton, c Frisch ’ b Grant .................. 15 12 E. Childs, not out .. 2 H. Lowther, st Ellis, b T. B. Hearne, c Frisch, ‘b J. G ra n t.................. 8 5 S. Christopherson, b F. B 4, w 3.................. 7 Grant .................. 26 — F. W. Prior, 1 b w, b J. 85 5 J. W. Ellis, st Prior, b N ew ton ..........................4 G. J. Frisch, c aud b New­ ton ..................................10 C. J. F o 3B, c Christopher­ son, b Newton .. .. 5 .T. Grant, b Isaacs .. .. 13 II. Langton, b Christopher­ son ..................................11 II. Norman, c Poland, b Isaacs .......................... 5 A ddiscom be . F. Grant, 1b w, b Christo­ pherson .......................... E. W. Foss, c Christopher­ son, b Isaacs .................. C. J. Mornington, b Chris­ topherson .................. T. M. Loftus, c Poland, b Isaacs .......................... A . II. Newington, not out 0 B 3, w l, n b l .. .. 6 T o t a l ..................60 Woof .. .. Midwinter.. W. G. Grace Peate .. .. Gilbert ANALYSES OF BOWLING. A u stralian s , First lnnsngs. Second Innings. 0. M. R.W. 0. M. R.W. . . . . 86 16 512 ............................. 22 11 36 2 11 2 32 0 16.1 7 938 ............................. 23 5 59 4 4 2 7 0 3 2 1 0 L u lw o rth L o b ste r s . Spofforth Boyle .. G l o u c e st e r sh ir e . 0. M. R.W. 38 13 60 5 Garrett .. 23 9 44 3 Spofforth bowled a no ball. O. M. R.W. 16 8 18 2 LULWORTH LOBSTERS v. DORCHESTER. Played at Dorchester on August ] 5, and won by the home team by 37 runs on the first innings. L u lw o rth L o b ste r s . First Innings. AUSTRALIANS v. GLOUCESTERSHIRE. Incessant rain on the first day effectually pre­ vented a completion of this return match, begun on the Clifton College Ground on Thursday last. The ground indeed was in such a heavy state on Friday that a commencement had to be deferred until after luncheon, and the game therefore was practieally limited to a day and a half. Under the circum­ stances, it could hardly have been played out, and the result was a draw, certainly not against the Australians. Giffen, who had not played since the Players’ match at the Oval, was again in the team. Palmer, who injured himself on the same occasion, was still absent, and Murdoch for the first time had to stand down indisposed. The team was, therefore, without its best bat, as well as one of its very best bowlers, but still it rendered a good account of itself. Massie’s hitting was one of the most noteworthy features of the match. As usual, he got his runs very fast. In the second innings he had luck, but he scored at a great rate, making 55 out of 62 runs while in with Bannerman. Six wickets were down for 36 runs when these two batsmen became partners, and it was their stand that made the game look so well for their side. The wicket played very badly on Saturday after the heavy rain, and run-getting was most difficult. Mr. W. G. Grace bowled with much of his old suc­ cess for Gloucestershire. In the two innings of the Australians he took twelve wicket3 for 152 runs. Score and analyses : — A u stralian s . First Innings. Sccond Innings. II. H. Massie, o Cranston, b W. G. Graco ..................................39 not out..............................55 A. C. Bannerman, c E. M. Graco, b W. G. G ra co ..........................17 not out..............................21 G. J. Bonnor, c Midwinter, b W. G. Graco ..................................29 c Pullen, b Woof .. 0 P, S. M‘Donnell, c Taylor, b W o o f ................................................2 T. W. Garrett, c Midwinter, b W. G. Grace ................................0 c W. G. Graco, b Woof 10 T. Horan, b W oof..............................41 G. Giffen, c E. M. Grace, b W. G. G ra ce .............................................12 S. P. Jones, b W. G. Graco. T. Bevan, c Nutting, Fudge ................... L. A. Wynne, b Fudge R. Bury, not out E. Miller, absent B 5 ,1-b 7, w 1, n b 1.. 14 A. D. Fripp, b Fudge ..23 T. R. B. Hill, b Fudge .. 2 C. W. M. Dal®, c Mowlem, b M acartney..................3 J. Wynne, R.A., bFudge.. 0 W. Morris, c Clarke, b Macartney ..................1 H .P. Thomas, c Jebbett, b Macartney '...................1 J. H. Lonsdale, b Fudge .. 23 In the second innings A. D. Fripp scored (not out) 19, J* Wynne (not out) 18, T. Bevan (b Macartnoy) 2, R. Bury (b Fudge) 9, E Miller, (c Tudor, b Macartney,) 7; b 11, n b 1 ; total, 67. D o r c h e ste r . Total 94 0. L. Tudor, 1 b w, b T h om a s..........................19 W. H. Macartney, run out 0 J. W. Fudge, b Fripp .. 22 A. G. Symonds, b J. Wynne ..........................1 W. jebbett, 1b w, b Fripp 16 W. J. Durden, b Lonsdale 6 E. Nutting, runout.. .. 11 T. Mowlem, c Miller, Thomas........................ T. King, b Fripp .. . A. Clarke, b Lonsdale . J. Osmond, not out B 5, 1-b 4, w 1 .. . Total . . 15 . 18 . 13 . 0 . 10 .131 LULWORTH LOBSTERS v. WINFRITH NEWBURGH. Played at Lulworth on August 18, and resulted in an easy victory for the Lobsters by an innings and 26 runs. L u lw o rth L o b ste r s . c Midwinter, b W. G. . Grace .................. ..3 3 c Moberly, b W. G. Grace .. . . . . J. M. Blackham, b W. G. Grace . 5 F. R. Spofforth, st Moberly, b W. G. Grace ..................................2c and b W. G. Grace.. H. F. Boyle, not o u t ..................4c E. M. Grace, b W; G. Grace .................. L - b ..........................................6 B 1 ,1-b 2 Total. .190 Total .. .. ! G lo u c e ste r sh ir e . Mr. W. G. Grace, b Spof­ forth .................................. Mr. E . M. Grace, c Banner­ man, b Spofforth .. Mr. F. Townsend, b Spof­ forth .................................. Mr. W. U. Moberly, c Spof­ forth, b Boyle.................. Midwinter, b Garrett Mr. J. Crwiston, b Garrett M r.W .W . Pullen, b Spof­ forth ..........................3 Mr. W. R. Gilbert, b Boyle 15 Mr. E. J. Taylor, b Spof­ forth ..........................17 Mr. E. Peake, b Boyle .. 3 Woof, not o u t ..................9 B 8, n b 1 ..................9 Total .131 A. D. Fripp, run ou t.. .. 5 E. Giberne, b Cambridge 0 ,T. Weld, b Bowditch .. 5 J. Wynne, R.A., c Bartlett, b Cambridge .. .. . 9 C. W. M. Dale, b Cam­ bridge ..........................23 J. H. Lonsdale, b Beot .. 4 R. Bury, b Beet..................7 J. Burke, b Bowditch .. 7 W in fr it h N k First Innings. W. J. Longman, b Fripp .. .. J. Parnell, b Fripp .................. W. Beet, c Bury, b Thomas E. P. Cambridge, b Fripp .. T. R. B. Hill, b F ripp.................. W. Farrer. b Fripp .................. A. H. Hodgson, not out .. H. Fyler, b F rip p .......................... J. Bowditch, b F rip p .................. Dr. Bartlett, c Thomas, b Fripp J. Gillingham, c Lonsdale, b Fiipp............................................ F. Budden, c aud b Thomas .. B 5 ,1-b 2................................. H. P. Thomas, b Parnell L. A. Wynne, run out .. H. A. Druce, c Fylcr, b C am bridge.................. E. C. B. Roe, R.M.A., not o u t .................................. B 4,1-b 4, w 2, n b 1 41 Total , 92 iWBURGH. Second Innings eJ. Wynne, b Thomas b G ibern e.................. c Bury, b Weld .. .. c Giberne, b Weld .. b Bury.......................... b Weld.......................... run out.......................... b Weld.......................... st Dale, b Lonsdale .. c and b Bury .. .. Total A. D. Fripp, b B olt.. ..1 3 C. W. M. Dale, b Bolt .. 6 J. Wynne, R.A.,c Stephen­ son, bBolt .................. 0 O. Wynne, not out .. ..3 6 E. Giberne, c Scott, b Leir 22 L. A. Wynne, 1 b w, b B o lt..................................5 W. Morris, T. R. B. Hill, and E. C. B. Roe, R.M.A., did not bat. J. n. Lonsdale, c and b B o lt.......................... .. 2 H. P. Thomas, not out .. 11 B 1, n b 3 ..................4 T o t a l ..................99 0 not out..........................0 0 b B ury..........................1 7 B 4 .................. 4 J7 Total .. ..3 9 LULWORTH LOBSTERS v. SWANAGE VISITORS. Played at Corfe Castle on August 22, and won by the Lobsters, after a most exciting finish, by four runs. S w axag e V isito r s . First Innings. W. F. Wilkinson,run out .. .. 0 C. J. B. Cox, b F r ip p ..................6 LULWORTH LOBSTERS v. WEYMOUTH. Played at Weymouth on August 19, and left drawn, owing to heavy scoring, W eym o u th . Colonel S. Scott, b Dale 21 A . E. Gibson, b Dalo .. 0 Captain Kelsey, c and b D ale............................... 87 T. Beran, c L. A. Wynne, b Thomas ...............45 Rev. S. E. Nichols, st Dale, b Thomas ............... 12 C.E, Kindersley, c Dale, b T h om a s.......................21 W. W . Ord, c and b Fripp .. .. 5 W. F. Jameson, not out .. ..4 0 Rev. A. D. Woolley, b Weld .. 2 H. J. Sonnenschein, c Thomas, b W e ld ............................... .. 0 b Fripp. H. C. Woolley, b Fripp..................3 E .N . Thompson, b Rripp .. .. 1 H. Head, c Druce, b J. Wynne .. 4 G. E. Rogers, b F rip p ..................0 J. Brown, 1b w, b J. Wynne .. 0 J. T. Hillier, b Lonsdale .. .. 0 B 9 ,1-b 1 ..................................10 Second Innings. b Fripp.. .................. b Fripp.......................... c Lons’ale, b Thomas b T h o m a s .................. not out.......................... 7 b Lonsdale.................. 1 B 4 ,1-b 1, w 4 Total. 71 Total .. ..3 1 L u lw o rth L obsters . A. D. Fripp, b Cox .. .. 0 J. H. Lonsdale, c Jameson, b Brow n.......................... 0 H. A. Druce, b Brown .. 0 J. Wynne, R.A., b Brown 1 E. Giberne, o A. D. Woolley, bB row n.. .. 11 H. P. Thomas, not out .. 55 J. Weld, o Ord, b Wilkin­ son ..................................0 T. R. B. Hill, c Ord, b Brown .. .. .. .. 2 L. A. Wynne, 1 b w, b Wilkinson ..................0 R. B. Jameson, 1 bw , b O r d .................................. 1 E. C. B. Roe, R.M.A., c Head, b O r d ..................0 N . Oliver, run out .. .. 1 B 2, w 2 .................. 4 Total *..................75 LULWORTH LOBSTERS v. BERE REGIS. Played at Bere Regis on August 25, and won by the visitors by an innings and one run. B e r e R e g is . First Innings. A. 0. Scutt, b Thomas..................5 H. Lys, st Thomas, b J. Wynne 14 II.House, b Fripp.. J. Gregory, b J. Wynne .. G. Johnson, b Fripp .. .. J. Johnson, b Fripp .................. R. Scutt, b J. W yn n e.................. H. Symonds, b J. Wynne .. .. J. Bugby, not out.......................... R. Riggs, b Fripp........................... T. Miller, c Lonsdale, b J. W ynne.......................................... B l, l-b l,w 3 .......................... Second Innings. 1) J. Wynne..................0 b Fripp.......................... 0 b J. Wynne.................. 0 b Fripp..........................0 b J. Wynne..................4 b Fripp..........................3 not out..........................8 b J. Wynne..................0 c Fripp, b Lonsdale .. 1 c Thomas, b Lonsdale 3 b Fripp.......................... 1 B 5 ,1-bl, n b l . . 7 Total..................................33 Total , 26 L u lw o rth L obsters . Rev. F. Mondey, b Thomas 1 R. Wynyard, R.A., b Fripp 49 Rev. B. C. Stephenson, c Fripp, b Morris .. .. 41 L . R. Leir, b Thomas .. 2 A. Bolt, not out..................10 B 5,1-b 4, w 6, n b 1.. 16 Total .305 A. D. Fripp, b G. Johnson 0 T. B. R. Hill, b Gregory.. 0 L. A. Wynne, b G. John­ son ..................................1 O. Wynue, b Gregory .. 5 E. Giberne, b G. Johnson 7 H. P. Thomas, b Gregory 5 J. Wynne, R.A., not out.. 11 W. Farrer, run out .. J. J. Penay, b Gregory ., J. H. Lonsdale, c House b J. Johnson.................. H. A. Druce, b J. Johnson 0 B 6 ,1-b 1, w5, n b 2 .. 14 Total 57 UPTON PARK v. CRYSTAL PALACE. Played at the Crystal Palace on Wednesday August 23. C rystal P alace . First Iunirgs. A. E. Oelrichs, c East, b Henderson ..................32 W. Kettlewell, b Avery .. 5 J. R. Fox, e Henderson, b F o x ..................................2 J. Turner, b Henderson .. 12 L. J. Turner, b Henderson 0 A. R. Daly, c Fox, b Avery 0 G. II. Neamc, b Cattley .. 18 In the second innings W. Kcttlewell scored (c McBain, b Fox) 2, G. H. Neamc (b Henderson) 10, G. J. Cooper (not out) 1 b, 2 ; total, 17. F. A. Rehder.bHeiiderson 10 G. N. Wade, b Henderson 3 F. Abell, c Young, to Catt­ ley ..................................1 G. J. Cooper, not out .. 0 B 7, 1 - b l ....................8 T o t a l.................... 91