Cricket 1882

CMCKET; A WEEKLY EECORD OF 1TIE GAME. AtjatftT si, 1 * 2 . I SACKED TO THE MEMORY OF ENGLAND’S SUPREMACY IN THE CRICKET - FIELD, WHICH EXPIRED O n th e 29 th d a y op A ugust , at th e O val . “ its end was peate .” - J t If you “ Read” and “ Studd ” -y carefully the ..ccount of the match, you will “ Bar low ” anguage and talte our defeat with “ Grace,” and ye shall ,“ Luc as” sportsmen by so doing. The Australians have certainly the p-“ Ul, yett ” we .annot raise our “ Horn by ” trying to “ Steel ” he credit due to our opponents. Indeed, we show I*Lyttel ton ” by so doing, and shall look the more W ish if some day they should re-“ Peate” their Performance. G. H. H. “ P l u c k , another great success.” — Spof- brth, Oval, August 29, 1882. * H F p > g C 0 1 ^ E : B 0 0 K > ( Continued.) {AVENSBOURNE (LADYWELL) v. GRESIIAM_ Played at Forest Gate on Saturday, August 26. IlAVEKSBOURNE. A t . Pearce, not out .. 88 J!Kistruck, c Clarke, b B ly th e r..........................5 0 -II. G. Williams, run o u t ..................................2 .f'Ellingham, b Craze .. 3 JE,J. Pritchard, run ont .. 0 ,KGuille, b Blythcr.. .. 2 45Wigley, b Grimes.. .. 5 A. Akers, b Grimes .. .. 2 T. O. Prior, b Blythcr .. 1 R. James, b Blyther.. .. 1 C. C. Coath, c Smith, b Grimes ..........................£ B2, w l ..........................3 Total 61 A.W eii, b Pritchard.. .. gSladcn, run out .. .. W. 0. Blyther, b Prit- i chard .......................... T. Smith, c Wigley, b I Pritchard.......................... i/l Baker, b Wigley .. .. J-P Craze, b Pritchard .. G r e sh a m . J. C. Clarke, b Wigley . W. Grimes, b Pritchard . J. Johnson, b Pritchard . 0 F. Crellen, b Pritchard . J. N. Clarke, not ou t.. B 12,1-b 3 ..................15 T o t a l ..................51 ,I.C.C. AND GROUND v. NORTHUMBERLAND. Played at Lord’s on August 23 and 24. Rain prevented the completion of the game. I I M.C.C, First Innings. iVVTLambertjC Abraham, b Craw- J ford .......................................... flay, c Foreman, b Crawford .. ilr! T. C. O’Brien, b Marshall .. Ir. C. A. Pidcock, c Reed, b j Crawford .................................. ,lr. F. W. Hotham, c Marshall, b Abraham..............................66 c and b Crawford .. 2 Ir. B. It. Stansfeld, c Turner, b Foreman .............................. 42 c Reed, b Guild .. .. 57 ilr. Holt, c Foreman, b Abraham 4 e Bookless, b Crawfoid 59 |p. Lee, b Abraham ................3 not out t'arrands, not out....................... 2 ulr. J. W. Blundell, run out .. 3 P. Need, b C raw ford................0 B 12,1-b 5 .......................17 Second Innings. 3 not ont......................... 3 19 b Crawford................. 1 5 b Abraham.................1 b Bookless..................5 19 Total. .184 B 5 ,1-b 5, b 2 .. 18 Total .. ..160 and N o r th u m b e r la n d . 2Tr. S. J. Crawford, ’ b Farrands ,‘Ir. J. S. Rnssel, st Lam- { bcrt, b Farrands .. •Ir. T. W. Laing, b Hay 8 17 20 :lr. Marshall, b Farrands . 50 Bookless, b Farrands lr. A. Abraham, run out Guild, run o u t ...............8 Foreman, b Farranels .. 1 Mr. J. M. Scott, c Pidcock, b Lee .......................87 Mr. B. Reed, not out .. 27 Turner, b Farrands.. .. 0 B 7 ,1-b 5 ...............12 Total BICKLEY JUNIORS v? SOUTHBORO. Played at Bickley on Wednesday, August 23. SOUTHBORO. First Innings. T. W . Foley, c W . F. Noakes .......................... 14 J. W. Little, st Bouch, b W .F . Noakes..................12 F. M. Russell, c J. N. Noakes, b H. E. Bouch 10 E. M. Lackland, c Taylor, b B oosey.......................... 20 R. F. H. Chapman, c L. Sanderson, b Boosey .. 7 H. Cockrell, c W. F. Noakes, b Boosey.. .. 13 H. J. Kelsey, b Taylor .. A. J. Carr, b Boosey J. H. Fielder, b Boosey .. R.W.H. Chapman,run out J. H. Wood, not out .. B 3, w 2 ................... Total . In the second innings Russell scored (c Taylor, b L. Sander­ son) 5, Lackland (c Hilder, b L. Sanderson) 6, R. F. II. Chapman (not out) 2 ; total, 13. B ic k le y J u niors . L. Sanderson, st Lackland, b K elsey..........................21 E. R. Bouch, b Kelsey .. 7 J. A. Taylor, c Foley, b Kelsey ..........................19 W. F. Noakes, b R. F. Chapman ..................92 T. P. Hilder, b Little .. 0 H. L. Carey, b Russell .. 27 J. N. Noakes, c Russell, Cockrell........................ G. Boosey, c Little, b R. ] Chapman ................ A. E. Carey, b Cockrell , W . Sanderson, not out . H. E. Bouch, run out B 3, w 1 ,1-b 4 .. . Total 12 .215 RICHMOND v. PUTNEY. Played at Richmond on Saturday, August 26, and won by the home team by 6 runs. The Richmond Club have this season played 42 matches, of which 33 have been won, four lost, and five drawn. P u tn e y . First T. S. Webb, b Barker .. 2 J. Bailey, c Shadwell, b H i l l ..................................34 E. D. C. Cecil, b Bunn .. 22 Camey, c J. A. T. John­ son, b B u n n ..................0 G. H. Gill, b Hill .. .. 43 A. D. Shepherd, not o u t.. 32 In tho second innings E. D. Earnshaw (not out) 39, T. Eastgato (b Barker) 14; b 1; total, 58. R ich m o n d ." bInnings. F. N. D. Godrich, b Hill R. Hyde-Clarkc, run out Gorman, b Shadwell F. W. Eamshaw, absent 0 T. Eastgate, absent L-b 3 T otal..................137 C. Cecil scored (not out) 4, F. W A. Springett, c Godrich, b Bailey ..........................22 Col. Johnson, c Eastgate, b Gill.....................................35 A. Bunn, b G ill..................6 F. W. Hill, c Eastgato, b Earnshaw ..................3 F. B. Shadwell, c and b Carney ..........................52 J. M. R. Francis, run out 1 Bexon, b G il l ..................3 W. H. Ingram, b Gill .. 3 J. A. T. Johnson, b Gill 4 J. G. Dunn, b Gill .. .. 0 W. Barker, not o u t.. .. 2 B 11, 1-b 1..................12 Total. 143 PUTNEY V . MITCHAM. Played at Putney on Saturday, August 19. M itc h a m . T. P. narvey, b Earnshaw 33 F. Knight, c Gill, b Eam­ shaw ..................................0 Jos. Caffarey, b Gill .. .. 9 W. Lunt, b G ill..................7 E. W. Marshall, c Holmes, b E a m sh a w ..................1 Jas. Caffarey, b I. Bailey.. 28 W. Jones,c andb Earnshaw 0 F. Littler, not out .. .. 22 A. F. Clarke, c W . Bailey, b I. B a ile y .................0 E. C. Boyle, b I. Bailey.. 3 T. Lees, b Holmes .. .. 1 B 6 ,1-b 6, w 3 .. .. 15 Total . .119 P u tn e y . F. W. Earnshaw, b Harvey I. Bailey, b Harvey .. A. D. Shepherd, b Knight W. M. Yenning, c and b Harvey .......................... W. A. Bailey, b Harvey .. Holmes, c Harvey, b Knight F. M. Harrington, not out 10 G. H. Gill, b Harvey .. 1 T. Eastgate, not out .. 1 B 2 ..........................2 Total . F. W. B.Godrich and G. Perrett did not bat. GREVILLE v. HARROW TOWN. Played at Harrow on August24. Unfinished, owing to the heavy rain. G r e v il l e . H. Carswell, c Titchcner, b F. W alk er..................12 N. B. Beete, b J. Dobson . 0 G. Carter, c J. Walker, b Green ..........................25 A. O. Breeds, c J. Walker, b F. W a lk er..................29 C. Lambert, n otou t.. .. 26 B. Warsop, b J. Dobson.. 8 H. Gregory, not ou t.. B 2 ,1-b 1, w 1 T o t a l..................105 E. Durct, G. R. Wood, A. Dark, and C. Bending did not bat. PALLINGSWICK v. SUTTON. Played at East Acton on Saturday, August 26. P a llin g ? w ic k . W. C. Yarborough, b Paiee 62 F. W. Dickinson, c Hyslop, b Hayman B. A. Carter, b Paice.. . Y. T. Weber, c Taylor, Paice ........................ J. Howard, b Paico .. . E. Kettle, c Hayman, Ruck................................ H. F. Weber, run out v .. 6 J. E. Bentley, run ont .. 0 P. Schooling, b Paice .. 0 II. W. Burnside, not o n t.. 12 C. W. Graham, b Paice .. 0 B 12,1-b 2, w 7 .. .. 21 Total.. .129 S u tton . W. Hayman,bYarborough 0 A. G^Lloyd^not out.. .. 15 D. M. Taylor, not cut .. f ~B 4 ,1-b 2 Total ADDISCOMBE v. MR P. CRAMPTON’S ELEVEN. Played at Addiscombe on August 26. A d discom be . J. Burgess, c Thompson, b A s t e ..................................14 A. D. Coste lb w , bA ste.. 17 F. Clay, st W. Crampton, b A s t e ....................... ..2 2 A. Pulsford, st Fabian, b A s t e ..................................12 J. S. Steel, b Aste .. .. 12 R. J. Brant, c Fabian, b Aste .. ..........................10 E. Roberts, bAsto .. ..1 5 H. E. Hockley,cW. Cramp­ ton, b A s t e ..................13 A. C. Harper, b Aste .. 1 C. E. Davis, b Claricoats.. 15 C. J. Baldwin, not out .. 2 E xtras.......................... T o t a l ..................148 P. C ram pto n ’ s E le v e n . J. Claricoats, not out .. 29 I F. Fabian, not out .. .. 4 D. M. McGeorge, c — Harper, b Hockley .. 25 I Total .. «» .. 58 J. Aste, P. Crampton, D. McKay, H. Clarke, R. Thompson, & Arrow, H. Burdett, and W. Crnmpton did not bat. NORFOLK v. BEDFORDSHIRE. Played at Norwich on August 23 and 24. result was a draw. N o r fo lk . First Ianiugs. Th Mr. L. K. Jarvis, c and b Rev. A. Blyth, b T. C. T ylecote.......................... 24 Brown .. . ..6 4 Mr. C. J. E. Jarvis, b God- Mr. C. Tillard, b T. C. 38 Brown .. . .. 0 Sir K. Kemp, b Godfrey .. 2 Rev. A. P. Wickham lbw , Mr. H. Birkbeck, b Tyleb T. C. Brown . ..1 3 cote .................................. 2 Mr. E. B. Raikcs, b Good­ Mr. E. N. Fellowes, b T. year .................. . ..2 1 39 . ..1 9 Mr. W. S. Gurney, b Tyle- Total .. 0 . ,.240 In the sccond innings, Fellowes (c Gilder, b T. C. Brown) 5> Blyth (not out) 9, Wickham (not out) 9 ; total, 23. B e d f o r d sh ir e . First Innings. Sccond Innings. Mi?. It. G. Tylecote, b Raikcs .. 2 c C. J. E. Jarvis, b R y e ...................... 24 Goodyear, not out ...............60 b R y e ........................22 T. C. Brown, 1 b W, b C. J. E. J a rv is.......................................9 b R y e ........................46 Hutchins, b Raikes .................. 3 st Wickham, b Til­ lard ......................47 Mr. W. E. Gilder, b Raikes .. 0 b R y o ........................11 Mr. A. Polhill-Tumer, c C. J. E. Jarvis, b Raikes.......................20 c Wickham, b Tillard . 8 Mr. W. P. Godfrey, 1 b w, b Til­ lard .......................................6 run ou t.. ................41 Mr. H. R. Orr, c Fellowes, b Raikes...................................... 21 not out........................10 Mr. H. L. Talbot, c and b C. J. J a rv is.......................................5 st Wickham, b Rye .. 9 Long, c and b C. J. Jarvis .. .. 6 b Tillard .................1 C. Browne, b R a ik e s ................ 0 c Kemp, b Tillard .. 0 Byes, &c....................................12 Byes, &c...................15 Total. .114 Total ..234 MITCHAM v. PALLINGSWICK. Played at Mitcham on Saturday, August 26. P a llin g sw ic k . W. L. Hotchkin, b Jones 15 B. W. Repton, c Abra­ J. W. Clemence, 1 b w, b hart, b Harvey .. 2 Jones .................. «. 17 A. W. Graham, b Harvey 13 F. Clemence, b Jones I Trewin,b Jones .. .. 12 O. J. Fraser, c Haivey, b J. Pelham, b Jones.. .. G. H. Rayner, not out .. 0 Abrahart .................. 41 1 G. R. Nicholson, c Littler, B 7, l=b 1 .................. 8 b Jones .. *................ 5 . - P. C. Anderson, c and b Harvey .......................... 2 Mitchamdid not bat.