Cricket 1882

136 CRICKET: A WEEKLY RECORD OF THE GAME. AUGUST 17. 1882. ^ C 0 I ^ E g P O j \ D E j m > are not responsible for the opinions expressed by our cer respondents. No Communications can be inserted nnlecs they bear the name and address of the writer, as a proof of good faith, not necessarily for publication. MOOR HALL v. BUCKHURST HILL. TO THE EDITOR OF “ CRICKET.” Iie,—My attention, as captain of the Moor Hall ib, has been drawn to your paper as regards a ort and decision you have given. May I beg to that until you have heard our side of the ques- i we think you ought not to have been asked lecide, especially as the account given you was teiy one-sided. May I be allowed, therefore, to for your second consideration, and then to dly give us your opinion of the same. 'he Buckhurst Hill won the toss and elected to .n. We fielded, and finding we were two short, iked our lion. sec. if he expected those two, a D. and a Mr. H. He said “ Yes ; one in a few lutes, and the other would get there as soon as sould from town; being professionally engaged ;ourt, he was uncertain which train he could ih.” Hence I asked our opponents for two sub- utes, as I found their assistant-secretary had ed and obtained one to field for him, as he Id only bat, owing to a bad hand. They t us out one, and a young lad in a long ■.kcoat fielded for us. Mr. D. soon appeared, the lad fielded the rest of the innings for Mr. H. 1 hen we went in I put down the order of going rom the list of players that had been given me he secretary, and that had been appointed to ■ for more than a week ; hence if I had not •ed Mr. H. when he appeared I should have l doing him an injustice as a member of the i, as he was doing all that lay in his power to there. Consequently I made out the list for .g in, and that, too, as their assistant-secretary looking over me ; long before Mr. H. appeared the ground I put his name down to come in h, and strange to say he appeared just at that nent. As he was a bit tired-—walking nearly miles—I let him go in next. Then arose the ute. contend that he had as much right to play that , on that ground, against that club as any one 3, as he was not put in just because he appeared hat ground just at that moment. We hold his jrs offering to play on (hat day, also his letter rming us he could not be there in time, and ih I was prepared to show to their captain, and •ed to do so. Hence I now ask that you will your decision, as I have laid the whole matter hfully before you, and having had some twenty- years of cricket, I never met with such an ction before—as they allowed us a field, and ? we were one short, and that one was a bona- member of the elub, who had been down to for more than a week. I am sorry to have ten so long a letter, but your reply is important will be greatly esteemed. J ohn S. D eards , Capt. M.H.C.C. ai'low, Essex, August 9. yiVSCIP^LvEI^JFm^EgvFe^: TpK-i-WEEK^- A U G U S T . , Cheltenham, Gloucestershire v Yorkshire . laidstone, Kent v Lancashire Nottingham, Middlesex v Notts 'ortsmouth, Australians v Cambridge Men, Past and Present ,Lord’s, M.C.C. and If, T Notts Castle Irighton, M.C.C. and G. v Sussex ral, Surrey v Lancashire .’aunton, Australians v Somersetshire Sheffield, Yorkshire v Middlesex louthampton, M.C.C. and G. v Hants Hilton, Notts v Gloucestershire lastboume, M.C.C. and G. v Devonshire Park Portsmouth, M.C.C. and G. v Portsmouth Windmill Hill, M.C.C. and G. v Windmill Hill BRILL’S SEA SALT Should be used by all CRICKETERS and ATHLETES . It braces and refreshes, and is invaluable for SPRAINS and STRAINS. Ud. EER BATH. O P A L L C H E M I S T S , E T C . E N G L A N D A U S T R A L I A KENNINGTQN OVA Aug. 28, 29, and 30. Admission to the Ground, One Shilling Uncovered Stand 5s-. Covered 10s- No Carriages Admitted. CRICKET CALENDAR 1 8 8 3 . Pi D lA f\ Y FOR THE 5 e A £ 0 ^ . Containing— A L L P R I N C I P A L M A T C H E S , W ith R o om for In sertion o f Own E n g a g e ­ m en ts, B attin g and B ow lin g R ecord s, M em oran da, &c. NOW READY, PRICE SIXPENCE C R I C K E T P R E S S , 17, P A T E R N O S T E R S Q U A R E , LONDON, E.C. SURREY v. LANCASHIRE. AUGUST 21, 22, and 23. SUH R E Y CJCaUB HOUSE . K EN N IN G TO N OVAL. Members and Visitors are respectfully invited to take a copy (gratis) of the “ Caterer’s Directions,” which will be handed to them by a Commissionaire inside the turnstiles. This will prevent confusion and disappointment at Luncheon time, and give every information When, where, and how to get Refreshments. EDWARD J. COOK, Manager for the Caterers. August 17,1882. D E V O N S H I R E P A R K , EASTBOURNE, Annual Amateur Athletic Sports. WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 23, 1882. F I V E O P E N E V E N T S . BICYCLE RACE.—Two Miles (Open Handicap). First Prize, a Silver Cup, value £10 10s.; Second, value £3 3s. TRICYCLE RACE.—One Mile (Open Handicap). First Prize, value £5 5s.; Second, value £ 1 1 1 s. 6 d. ONE MILE RACE.—(Open Handicap). First Prize, value £0 Gs.; Second, value £2 23. HALF-MILE RACE.—(Open Handicap). First Prize, value £4 43 .; Second, value £1 1. QUARTER-MILE RACE.—(OpenHandicap). First Prize, value £3 3s. ; Second, value £1 Is. ENTRANCE 2s. 6d. EACH EVENT. Entries Close to the Secretary, at the Park, on Tuesday, Aug. 15 SURREY V. LANCASHI RE . KENN ING TON OVAL . August 21, 22, and 23. Admission to the Ground, Sixpence. Lawn Tennis Tournament D evonshire P ark , E astbourne . Aug. 28 , 1882, & following Days. G e n t l e m e n ’ s S in g l e s ( O p e n ) , FIRST PRIZE value 3 0 guineas. First and Second Prize Winners at any of tile Wimbledon Open Competitions and at the East­ bourne Open Competition of 1881 may be penalized at the discretion of the Committee, the penalty in no caae to exceed the odds of 15. Gentlemen's Singles (Handicap), FIRST PRIZE value 2 0 guineas. The above Prizes are given by the Devonshire Fark Company . The whole ol the Entrance Meney will be expended in Second and other Prizes. Entranoe for each event, 10/6. Entries for the Open close August 26, at noon. Entries for Handicap close August 31, at 6 p.m. No Spikes or Nails will be allowed. Full particulars on application to THOS. L0LMAN, SEC.