ACS Members' MarketPlace - Items Wanted by Members

The ACS is providing this service to its members on a trial basis. The decision will be reviewed after three or four months when we see if there is a need for it and if it is working smoothly.
Only cricket-related printed material (books, magazines, scorebooks, scorecards, etc) will be accepted for this marketplace. The committee may, at its sole discretion, refuse to add an item.

The ACS will not act as an agent for either the buyer or seller an, will take no fee.
If you have an item or items that you are looking for, please email the Secretary at
Once added, an item will be displayed on the page for 28 days unless we are asked earlier to remove it.
If you have an item listed, then all correspondence should be with the member given below, not with any member of the ACS committee and not with ACS Sales.
You can click on the name to send an email to the member.

You can see items available in the marketplace here.
