Twenty-One Years of the ACS
Chronological Listing of Publications (up to 3l8t July 1993) 1973 Cricket Statistician nos 1-3 Wan/vickshire cricketers 1843-1973 1974 Cricket Statistician nos 4-8 Unpublished scores 1 Somersetshire cricketers 1875-1974 Worcestershire cricketers 1899-1974 1975 Cricket Statistician nos 9-12 Index to contents of Cricket Statistician - no. 1 to no.8 1976 Cricket Statistician nos 13-16 A guide to first class cricket matches played in The British Isles Minor counties who's who 1976 Middlesex cricketers 1850-1976 16 unpublished Australian scores 1977 Cricket Statistician nos 17-20 A guide to first class cricket matches played in Australia Minorcounties who's who and annual 1977 Leicestershire cricketers 1979-1977 1978 Cricket Statistician nos 21-24 Minor counties annual 1978 Nottinghamshire cricketers 1835-1978 Victorian cricketers 1850-1978 1979 Cricket Statistician nos 25-28 First class cricket matches 1864-1866 Minor counties annual 1979 Gloucestershire cricketers 1870-1979 Queensland cricketers 1892-1979 1980 Cricket Statistician nos 29-32 First class cricket matches 1867-1869 First class cricket matches 1870-1872 First class cricket matches 1873-1874 First class cricket matches 1875-1876 Minor counties annual 1980 Surrey cricketers 1839-1980 Irish cricketers 1855-1980 1981 Cricket Statistician nos 33-36 Index to The Cricket Statistician 1973to 1981 issues no. 1 to no.36 inc. A guide to important cricket matches played in the British Isles 1709-1863 A guide to first class cricket matches played in New Zealand 1863-1980 54
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